Communication Specialist, New York, NY

Develop and create company literature and other forms of communication.  Copyedit, proofread, and revise communications, press release and public relations materials for review and approval. Develop, edit and deliver press releases, media relations content, case studies, executive bios, social media content, and presentations. Develop and create marketing and promotional materials, both print and electronic. Collaborate and coordinate with advertisers for advertisement submissions. Develop marketing communications campaigns. Work with managers to determine and manage event budget. Promote company services through public relations initiatives. Plan, prepare and deliver public relations materials. Coordinate conference, trade shows, and press interviews. Identify, develop and execute communications strategy for media contacts and customer references. Recommend, implement and maintain site design and operation. Plan and deliver public relations materials.



Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, English, Communications, or Public Relations*;

*Will accept a Bachelor’s degree equivalent based on a combination of education as determined by a qualified credential evaluation service;


6 months of experience as Communication Specialist or Administrative Assistant;


6 months of experience researching, drafting, editing, proofreading and packaging public relations materials for project bids, and marketing in print media and social media platforms;


6 months of experience with MS Office, Excel and PowerPoint, and Sage Timberline.


Salary range: $51,000 to $90,000.


Please mail resume & cover letter to: Archstone Builders LLC, 242 W. 30th Street, Suite 1003, New York, NY 10001. Please reference: CS-1.

please attach your resume below

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